
I returned from Chelsea's graduation this morning. Waking up at 6am to catch the R5 back to drexel was hard enough. Bombing the physics quiz didn't help my day either, although I saw this coming. Coming back from the physics quiz already depressed, I herd news that my boss from CoOp will most likely succumb to his battle with Parkinson's this week, as he is in critical condition. Although he has been ill for some time, I still struggle to comprehend how a man, renowned as one of the greatest forensic pathologists of his time, can cease to be. He has taught me about his art and science of identification, and I owe him more than I have to give. To this end, I say thank you "Doc," for your trust and inspirations.
I have 4 finals next week, and need an A in all of them to keep my final grade as such. This would really boost my GPA.


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