
Classes have once again ended and the transition is being made from textbooks to practicality. Although this term concluded with much success, I feel empty. How could this be? I have succeeded in all my goals set for this term, and I am about to begin another 6-month journey sure to challenge my skills and logic. There is much to learn, in addition to reviewing that which has already been learned, but I will ask myself again, why do a feel so miserable. I think I am the worst pessimist one can find.
I took five days off to relax before returning to the internship. I had many plans: visiting friends at college, organizing materials and schedules for upcoming classes, and spending time with my family, which I never seem to do these days. Now Thursday, I have yet to see any friends or the inside of a text. I sat in front of a TV for much of the weekend, slept in, and spent a few days with the office, only to realize how little I know about the MCCO. Its time for a change...

The apartment is scheduled for completion Friday. I want to move in, and start anew.


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