
Yesterday turned out to be an amazing day. I began work in the admissions office as a part time employee for the DWC, and I already love it. I am still unsure of how I will balance classes and office time, however, with enough effort, I will be fine. I left the Admissions building around 6p and visited my roommates, who are studying for the MCATS over the summer at Drexel. They are originally from Maryland and have decided that studying will be much easier on campus than at home with all the family/friend distractions. "They," four in all, recently took the prelim exam, and performed above the national average, so for all of you who have been accepted to Drexel and are interested in med, such as myself, this should be good news...If you do the work allotted by the profs, you should perform well on the MCAT as well.
After visiting the crew, I made my hour-long commute home to Ambler, little did I know I would be spending the entire evening with Chelsea...Brief detour at borders for some CD/book purchasing and then to the mooooovies to see the Omen...Yea, didn't get much sleep after this, the "kid" gave me nightmares. Knowing that I won't see Chels very often over the next ten weeks, I tried to enjoy her company as much as possible. Nonetheless, a great night.


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