
Yea, so the weather outside is officially horrible: damp, humid, rainy.....I have spent the entire day moving in to the new dorm, East Hall, which I must say is the nicest I have lived in thus far at Drexel. The room layout is great, the study halls are classy, and the multipurpose room(s) are extra nice. Also, having 30th street 2 blocks away, and the lecture hall across the street makes my life easier.
My class list for this term is pretty rough: Ochem 2, Principals of Cell bio, OChem lab, and Physics 2. I am particularly worried about Ochem2. Last term I worked my butt off for my first 4.o, and I know I will have to work twice as hard to du equally well this term. This week will be spent getting to know my classes, and how capable I am of studying without my roommates of 2 years. We have relied on each other to get through our classes; we studied together for all our classes at Drexel since the beginning, and now, I am all alone, and yes, its a little scary. Time to trust myself, and rely on myself to accomplish success. The rest of my weekend will consist of reviewing for my Ochem class, as the prof has already sent an email to the class instructing us to begin reviewing. Good times.


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