
This weekend was packed with too much life. After midterms Thursday, I traveled home to relax, skipped physics rec. on Friday, and accomplished no work over the weekend. I slept in each day, had a "social experience" on Saturday, and found myself more tired than expected this morning. I have no energy to push me forward, and too much to do. So I guess the yawns will continue as will the trips to Starbucks on Walnut...Keeping me awake.


OK, one midterm down, two to go. Physics was unusually general...5 problems = 20% of final grade...Good times. So My evening will be spent studying biology in hope to ace the exam. The week will be topped off with O-chem. I plan on getting as far away from this place as possible for the weekend!!!! I need a break.


Im pretty sure I botched my phys quiz today....great start for the week of finals. Anyway, My coop was just approved over the week at the Medical Examiners once again. Planning on making the most out of this experience. Last year I found myself overwhelmed by the science of determining cause and manner of death. There are far to many aspects of the profession for a sophomore bio student to understand. In addition, taking classes over this coop will add to the stress. I need to discover a way of enjoying this process while accepting that I will neither understand nor retain all that I study. Finding "the balance" has proven to be quite hard. Part of me would like to go out every weekend and party, but the other half knows that's not a possibility at the moment. One week at a time...


AHH. The heat-wave is finally over, so walking to class will be bearable once again. I have not had any free time this week, as midterms are around the corner and the coverage is extensive. Hopefully they will go well so I can go home next week to see fam and friends. The DWC ice cream social is tonight...looking forward to gaining a few lbs!!!


So the weekend was somewhat less productive than usual. Midterms are next week and I have yet to understand my physics material, chem work is piling over, and my lab books are back-dated. Time to increase my pace if I want to do well next week.
My cousin called yesterday and told me he was interested in transferring into Drexel's Law school. If he attends, he will be interested in living with me, which could provide more distractions than I need. We'll see.
On Friday Keith came to visit on campus after his vacation in St. Thomas. We went to dinner in center city and did some CD shopping...Always a good time. I hope to get all my studying done before Wed, as the CAB is showing V for Vendetta on the Kelly Lawn. Can't wait!


Pirates of the Caribbean was awesome. Saw the movie Friday at 12a. The line outside the bridge was two blocks long and I waited outside for an hour to get tickets. The movie is more "gloomy" than the previous, however the special effects far outdo the original. Plot and climax, excellent as expected.
Week three at Drexel has started. I have an O-chem exam on Thursday in addition to multiple labs due by the end of next week. Feeling the pressure. I hope to get all of my work out of the way so I can return home after midterms.


So next week is the start of exams for summer term...Ochem, Bio, Physics...once again the collective colleges of Sciences at drexel will be filled with over-stressed, under-slept students. Good times. I look forward to having no classes tomorrow, giving me time to catch up with my studies, and maybe see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.


What a weekend. Drexel students had Monday and tuesday off, two days to be enjoyed fully, as they are the only days this term reserved for universtiy holidays. Saturday and Sunday was spent studying Ochem; this class has been more demanding than all of my other classes combined. Sunday evening dad picked me up from college and I went home for the first time this term. Sleeping in your own bed in your old town was nice. Monday was great, as I saw my best friend, who left for St. Thomas this morning....what a bumb. Tuesday, the 4th after studying for physics, barely, Chels and I headed to dinner and the fireworks, which began just as the rain moved in. Good weekend overall.