
This past week has been the most trying and difficult of my life. I n addition to managing my class schedule and exams, I also had to deal with ending my relationship with an individual, which lasted 4 years, for better or worse. In a way, I have attempted to focus on my studies to pull through, but I must admit, much time this week was spent sleeping, probably due to a mini depression over the circumstances. I will learn from this experience, surely. More importantly, I have three finals, which are equally difficult. One day at a time.


So its week 8 at Drexel, which translates to the forever-loved moment during the term where you are forced to observe the grades you have attained in each of your classes. Will you fail? Will you succeed? Do you have butterflies in your chest knowing finals are two weeks away???? Ah, good times. This term has forced me to examine the student I currently am and how much work will be required to accomplish my desires in the coming years. MCATS are a year away and I have a momentous amount of learning to do before I consider myself "prepared" to take the exam. My roommates are taking the MCAT this weekend. They have studied for 7hrs a day over the past 3 months, reviewing two years of bioscience material, and it has paid off. The lest practice exam they took, each of them achieved above a 30, one actually broke a 35. Congrats to all of you.
So in the next year, I will strive to improve my GPA and prepare for this dreaded exam, in hopes to spend another 8 years in school, spending way too much on tuition.


Looking forward to CoOp. I have had enough of exams, quizzes, and deadlines. I want to complete this last term and spend a week with family and friends as far away from this city as possible. This past week was spent prepping for Chem and Physics exams, which have proven to be worth the effort. One issue I do have with Drexel is the constant examination periods. Due to the trimester system, material is covered fast, thus, I feel like every week I am being tested on something...no time to relax. I guess this has its benefits, as you retain more info, and are forced to keep up with covered material...

By the way...Drexel received its University Charter from the Commonwealth of Pa in 1969.


Whoa!!! Its already the end of week 6, this term is flying by. Grades are good, and I have been spending more time with friends this term. Orientation is this week and all the aspiring students have those blank looks on their faces: a bit nervous, excited, and most of all, annoyed they are at school during their Senior summer. I remember this well.
The rest of the week will include catching up on class readings and preparing for my the next round of exams in a week. As tuned as I am to the Drexel process, I will never like the consistent examinations. I guess its a good prep for grad school.